Friday 5 July 2013

Unfit Diaries - 8

Alas, poor Speedo! I knew it well, a cozzie of infinite spots, of most excellent dark blueness; I hath worn it on my back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred by fellow swimmers it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hang those boobs that I have squashed in I know not how oft. Where be your elasticity now? Your straps? Your boob support? Your flashes of back flab, that were wont to set the gym members on a roar? 
(Hamlet, V. - the Cozzie Monologue.)

So, yes, I have bought my new costumes and I'm as ready as I'm ever going to be. The one costume is so badly designed that I fear I may experience a 'wardrobe malfunction' if the sea gets choppy but the dolphins can take their complaints to the third floor. I mean, surely: when you're designing whale-sized costume, there's a logical conclusion that the wearer's boobs won't be perky little grapefruits so you should allow for an extra metre or two of fabric to contain the behemoths? 

I have been so irritated that, despite doing much more exercise than I ever have, I have not lost 1 gram of weight. Sure, my pants are looser (hope they've been using a condom) but no weight.  However, this morning there was a revelation. As I started up the industrial-strength weed-eater this morning and began cutting my leg hairs, I saw something I'd never seen before. An actual calf muscle. 

The day has dawned. Grey and cold. Yay.
It's SA's way of saying 'go already'. And I am. Tonight.

Thanks for all the pressies, kind thoughts and well wishes. 

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