Monday 12 October 2020

Animal Farm - v2.0 Hilton Diaries

Just as I was about to embark on an adventure to go and teach English in China, the universe changed the curriculum and I was unwittingly signed up to 'How to reinvent yourself' with mandatory classes in 'How not lose your shit' and '12 subjects to talk to yourself about'.

After doing the gypsy bit between my sister, brother and sister-in-law, and daughter, Arthur and I got the opportunity to move into my first own space in 10 months - a beautiful cottage on the edge of the Umgeni Valley. 

As someone who has lived in a town for her whole life, I'm so enjoying the peace, the animals, ever-changing weather and having a view. Together with the chickens on farm 12, I think I have one of the best views. Ever.

As I don't have a car - I've been confined to the farm ('you say that like it's a bad thing') and I've begun to name the animals around me, so that when I talk to them I don't feel 100% crazy.

So, let's start with the view...

Told ya...

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